domingo, novembro 06, 2005

Guys like me
We don't know how it feels
Absentee even closing the deal
But every player there's a payoff in the final reel
But never with guys like me

Cause guys like me
We look good at the gate
But you'll agree with the odds on the slate
and put your money on a bonafide heavyweight
and take it off guys like me
take it off guys like me

We pull you close but never really
looking warm but feeling chilly
you'll describe us as impassioned
when it's just a front we've fashioned



Blogger maria. said...


4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

olhando essa foto me deu vontade de ficar na beira da praia só observando e sentindo o vai e vem das ondas. ai ai.

beijo :*

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

muito bom se eu falasse ingles.... =P

12:41 PM  

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